Custom Bouquet Ornament


The Original Custom Wedding Bouquet Ornament! Commemorate the best day ever with a sweetly illustrated version of your bouquet. On the backside, we’ll customize it further with your names, wedding date, location or any alternative information. Perfect for gifts, anniversaries, first married Christmas’ and more! Round porcelain ornament is approximately 3.5″ x 4″, and comes tied with a coordinating double-faced satin ribbon.

Side 1: Your bouquet custom illustrated
Side 2: Your names, date, location

Please write out how you want on the information on the back side to appear in the Customization field on this page before adding to cart. Example: Mr + Mrs Smith / married / 01-01-20

Ornaments take 3-7 days to complete depending upon time of year. Email photos of your ring to and reference your order number. We will contact you via the email used on your order with any issues or if we have not received your photos.

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